Christmas came and went and because spring was quickly approaching, we decided that a great location for a family photo session would be Table Mountain, just north of Oroville, California. This location is famous for it's abundance of wildflowers and vast open space. As the date approached, we decided to shoot in the late afternoon into the evening to take advantage of the naturally moody sunset lighting.
Before the shoot, I suggested the family grab some props that are meaningful to them - and they brought PROPS! We played with a few stuffed animals, an umbrella and a toy microphone. The day of the photo shoot, the forecast called for showers all day but we decided to head up the hill anyway, just in case there was a break in the weather. Luckily, only minutes before the shoot, the clouds parted and the rain headed to the north. The props, the amazing natural beauty of Table Mountain and the perfect moody weather made for another fabulous photo shoot.
Here are some of my favorites from this family portrait session.

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